Ni-Resist Cast iron (Austenitic cast iron) & Ni-resist ductile iron ( Austenitic ductile iron).

    Our Ni resist casting have been used by many customers in the pumps & valves and mechanical seals industries worldwide.
    • Ni resist castings as per ASTM A439, ASTM A436, DIN 1694 and DIN EN 13835.
    • NI resist castings as per any country's national standard can be manufactured by us.
    • We ensure strict checking of the microstructure,chemical composition and mechanical properties of castings of each heat to match with international standards.
    • We can perform precision machining on any component as per your requirements.

      Ni Resist Ni-Resist
      Ni resist Castings Ni resist Castings Ni resist Castings
      ASTM A439 stem nuts(yoke sleeves) Mechanical Seal component in Ni resist Lapped to 1-2 light band after machining